Friday, December 8, 2017

The Best Christmas Ever
The students created a story about their best Christmas ever.  the students did a great job, then they drew a picture to represent their story.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

In class we have been reading Woods Runner and in English we have started Modifiers.  In U.S. History we are completing a project on Lewis and Clark and Pike's Expedition.  In Geography the students are making a map of the United States and they are mapping nine features within the United States!  Religion we are studying the Paschal Mystery. During Morning Work we are creating the Jesse Tree ornaments and reading the Bible verse before we start the day.  I will post pictures of the Jesse Tree when we have more ornaments on the tree. Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving, don't forget dress rehearsal for the Christmas Play is Thursday after Mass on then on Sunday after 10 o'clock Mass. The students are doing a great job and can't wait to see it with their costumes on!   

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

I hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving and safe one as well.
Check out the stories the students created about the worst Thanksgiving ever!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Don't forget we have a field trip on Tuesday, November 14th! 
The students can dress down, but have them bring
their school spirit hoodies as well just in case!
Also, don't forget money for El Jimador's!

 The 7th and 8th grade created concrete poems
in Literature Class. Stop by the middle
school building to check them out!

The students created 4 scenes from the
Passion of Christ in order. They chose
which scenes they wanted to draw and color. 

Next week the students will start Woods Runner!
They will also start working on Modifiers (adverbs ad adjectives)

Friday, October 13, 2017

The students created business cards for Jesus Christ!

The students created a description for a Haunted House. They were trying to sell them!  Check them out at teacher conferences!

Monday, October 9, 2017

The students did a great job on Testing! This week the students have several tests, please make sure they are getting plenty of sleep.  In Religion they made business cards for Jesus they will posted in our classroom, and I will post a picture on here once they are hung. I am looking forward to visiting with everyone at parent teacher conferences.  When you come to class, make sure to read the students For Sale descriptions of their haunted houses. All of them did a great job with our latest writing assignment!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Check out what our creative 8th graders came up with.  With their partners each group designed a menu representing the Origins of the Constitution using types of food and mentioning the important parts of each origin.

 Check out our stories we created about the Solar Eclipse!  The students did a great job with their creative writings and pictures!
The 7th graders made posters of the different world climates to be displayed in our room all year long! They all did a great job!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Don't forget to wear Red, White, Blue or Camo on Monday to commemorate Patriots Day!  Everybody did a great job on their first English tests!  Next week 7th grade has a Geography Test on Thursday and 8th grade has U.S. History test on Friday! Congratulations to the girls on their volleyball game, I know they didn't win, but St. Martin's is a hard team! I am proud of all of them!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I just wanted to say I think we are off to a great start to the school year! I also wanted to remind everybody to check the work list for the picnic.  I hope to see all the families this weekend.  The students will be eating lunch with their prayer pals on Thursday, the preschoolers are very excited about this!  Everybody did great on the Geography tests, keep up the great work 7th grade!