Friday, April 20, 2018

A newsletter was not sent home this week. We will be reviewing previous spelling lessons in Spelling. In religion, we will continue working and taking notes on Chapter 6. U.S History and Geography both have a test on Thursday. In English, we will start writing our Cause and Effect Essay. In literature the students are writing a book! We will continue to write our stories and hopefully start on our final draft! 

Monday, April 2, 2018

I hope everybody had a great Easter break!  This week we will be creating a play in groups in Literature and working on Participles in English. Each grade will have a Social Studies test on Friday. Don't forget we have Mass on Thursday! Please help the students read over their Mass parts we will be practicing this week, but any extra help at home would be beneficial due to only have two days to practice with Easter Break!  We are still working on the Sacraments in Religion and we will be studying Unit 34 in Spelling. I hope everybody has a good week and don't forget home and school meeting next Tuesday!

Also, I am sending home field trip forms and would like all of them due back by April 9th, if not before then, so I can make the appropriate copies for the office and drivers.

Sunday, March 11, 2018


The 7th and 8th Grade went over to church and found symbols that they didn't know what they were. Then we went and researched what the symbols represent and wrote three sentences about their symbol.  

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The students wrote a story about their favorite meals including adjectives and adverbs, then they drew a picture to represent their favorite meal. They all did a great job! 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The students decorated out board in the classroom with a coffee mug to represent themselves then to help our door they made a snowman! They all did a great job.

Thank you for everybody that has brought in wipes hopefully we can get a couple more in and we should be good till we get to warmer weather! Thank you for all your support in and outside of the classroom!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Welcome Back, I hope everybody had a great Christmas Break! Don't forget to bring in your items for Italian Feast our class basket's theme is "Day at the Spa'!

This week will be learning about writing a research paper along with writing a story in English. 
7th Grade will learn more about Canada the next couple of weeks and 8th Grade will learn about the "New" National Identity after the Jefferson Era.  This week in Spelling we are reviewing and playing spelling games to refresh our memories of previous units. In Religion this week we are learning about Edith Stein, the first American born Saint!

I hope everybody is well rested and ready for the third quarter!  Stay Warm and bundle up, please have the students wear appropriate clothing for the weather!